2nd Life 是由澳門 Original Technology 推出的二手 iPhone 售賣平台,致力於提供高品質的二手 iPhone,並為每一部售出的 iPhone 提供質量保證。
2nd Life 銷售的二手 iPhone 均經過專業訓練的技術人員作出仔細的軟硬體檢測,確保機身內均使用原厰 Apple 零件,而且沒有水浸等其他損壞,更設有七天壞貨退換服務,令您購買二手 iPhone 時更安心!
2nd Life is a pre-owned iPhone selling platform launched by Original Technology from Macau, dedicated to providing high quality used
iPhones and guaranteeing the quality of each iPhone sold.
All pre-owned iPhones sold by 2nd Life have undergone thorough and careful hardware and software testing, done by professionally trained technicians to ensure that only original Apple parts are used inside the phone and there is no damage such as water immersion. There is also a seven-day return policy in place to give you more peace of mind when buying a used iPhone.